Technical photography

Using modern imaging techniques, SRAL gains deeper insights into the materials and condition of an artwork. This information about the creation process can be crucial for assessing authenticity. It also guides the treatment of artworks and supports the development of detailed conservation proposals.


Photography with visible light

Photography with visible light is employed for every object that comes to SRAL for treatment or examination. This method produces high-quality images that capture the overall appearance of artworks, accurately reproducing details and colors. These images are also used for documentation purposes.

X-ray photography

Digital X-rays enable the examination of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, architectural elements, and modern art, by revealing structural components, hidden features, and previous repairs beneath the surface. They also provide insights into the material composition and painting techniques. SRAL is equipped with a mobile digital X-ray machine for these purposes.

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Infrared photography and reflectography

Infrared radiation is used to uncover underlying layers and structures in paintings. This technique is especially effective for studying underdrawings, mapping overpaintings, and identifying changes in the paint layers.

UV fluorescence photography

UV fluorescence reveals hidden repairs, retouches, and restoration materials that fluoresce under ultraviolet light. This technique assists conservators in identifying previous restorations and provides insights into the aging and conservation history of the artwork.